
Risk Reduction Services –Australia can assist individuals and organisations to mitigate a range of security risks in the infrastructure, human, workplace, environmental and  international domains.

Security provides protection against danger, damage, loss, and criminal activity, whether perceived or existing. Security is related to the concepts of safety, continuity and risk management.

The products and services offered by Risk Reduction Services – Australia include;

Security Assessments

Risk Reduction Services - Australia can conduct security assessments within Australia or overseas. Security Assessments can include all or part of the following deliverables:

  • Assessments of the organisational security posture to identify the current security risks.
  • Provide detailed documentation outlining the current security posture, the gaps that exist in the current security posture together with recommendations to improve the current posture where required.
  • Provide compliance gap analysis where applicable.
  • Plan for improvement by developing a protection strategy for organisational improvement and risk mitigation plans to reduce the risk to critical assets, people and information.
  • Provide necessary baseline security information for use with future evaluations on a regular programmed basis or when events dictate evaluation reviews.

If you need a Security Assessment, advice or plans please contact us.

Strategy Workshops

Risk Reduction Services - Australia can facilitate strategy workshops to allow you and/or your workforce to gain a comprehensive understanding of the security risks facing your unique operating environment. Outcomes from the workshops will include security best practices, tools and techniques to address these vulnerabilities.

If you need a Strategy Workshop facilitated please contact us.

Security Awareness and Strategy Training

Protecting your facilities, your people, your information, your reputation, your brand or your profits is growing increasingly more challenging. The new breed of 21st Century security threats are more dangerous and more immediate than ever before. Risk Reduction Services – Australia can provide Awareness and Strategy Training to inform your key executives and your workforce of the current and emerging threats to your organisation.

If you need Security Training advice, assistance or plans please contact us.

Business Continuity

Business Continuity is an activity undertaken to ensure that critical business functions are maintained or recovered in the event of a disruption, emergency, deliberate attack or natural disaster. Business Continuity must be implemented pre-event.

The basis of Business Continuity are the programs, procedures, policies, standards, program development, back-up systems and alternate facilities needed to ensure as close to a ‘business as usual’ outcome as possible.

Risk Reduction Services – Australia can assist with the development of Business Continuity preparation and policy and procedure development.

If you need Business Continuity developed, advice, assistance or plans please contact us.

Standard Operating Procedures Development

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive activity to be followed throughout an organisation. The development and use of SOPs are an integral part of a successful quality system. SOPs provide an organisation’s leadership as well as the workforce, the information they need to perform a job using agreed processes, under certain conditions and to a specified standard.

Risk Reduction Services – Australia has the expertise and experience to work with you and your staff to develop comprehensive SOPs which will streamline the processes of your business and reduce operational overheads.

If you need SOP’s developed, advice, assistance or plans please contact us.

Cultural Preparation and Protection (CPP)

Australians are frequent overseas travellers, whether for business or as tourists. Each year, approximately 60,000 Australians require assistance from local authorities, Australian Overseas Missions, foreign governments, Non-Government Organisations, overseas medical resources and insurance companies.

Australian’s are notoriously underprepared for the world beyond the sanctuary of our shores and are often uninformed or naive about the risks that are a part of the environment in most overseas countries. Australian tourists and employers also have unrealistic expectations about what help can be provided to them in foreign countries or by the Australian Government. Recent incidents in Indonesia, New Orleans, Thailand, Japan, Mumbai etc demonstrate the limit of the Australian Government’s power and reach.

While much good information is provided through the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website this information is usually macro in its scope and often difficult to interpret.

Risk Reduction Services – Australia can assist you, your family, your business or your employees to prepare for the challenges of living and working overseas. Utilising our Cultural Preparation and Protection (CPP) system, we will conduct a detailed intelligence review of your proposed operating environment, the themes and threats contained therein, as well as conducting the cultural mapping necessary to ensure that you succeed in this unfamiliar environment. 

Risk Reduction Services – Australia can provide CPP reports, workshops, training or the production of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

If you need Cultural Preparation and Protection, advice or assistance please contact us.

"We can assist individuals and organisations to mitigate a range of security risks in the infrastructure, human, workplace, environmental and international domains. "